Ian and I went to the Big Island of Hawaii last week to visit his family. Our trip started off rocky, but ended up being a good trip.

Here's the story: We missed our first flight! We were issued paper tickets instead of e-tickets, because the little Island Hopper plane we needed to get on, didn't except e-tickets. So, because the line to check in with paper tickets was so unbelievably long, by the time we got up there, they said we wouldn't make it through Security in time to catch the flight. So, they re-booked us for the next day. This time, we got there even earlier, but still had to wait in line for about an hour, only to be told that our flight was now cancelled. After a struggle, they finally put us on another airline with a flight leaving the same time as our scheduled flight. So, of course, we had to run across the airport to that terminal, wait in line again to check in, then run to one side of the airport to check our bags and run back to the other side to go through security. Then, our tickets were marked that we needed extra security, so they sent us through a special line, where we had to take our shoes off, get patted down, the whole bit. So, we ran to the gate and it was final boarding call. We were relieved until they said that Security didn't stamp our tickets that we passed, so they had to hold the plane for us and call Security to come check us again. A man and a woman came, took us behind a wall and patted us down again, took off our shoes, and went through our carry on with precision! Finally, as we were able to board the plane, we hear the captain telling all the other passengers that they were being held up because of two passengers - as Ian and I walk on red faced and sweating!
Then, they made us pay for our crappy lunch! Which we thought was included. And we didn't get the nice "exit row" seats that we booked on the original airline, so we were crammed into a row with other people. Not a big deal though; we were just happy to have gotten on a plane this time!
We finally made it to the Honolulu airport, but we had to go to the next airline to check in and it just happened to be all the way on the other side airport! We took a tram there, go to check in, and they can't find us! Finally and luckily, we got it squared away. Since we had a pretty long lay over, we decided to get something to eat, but the food was in the main terminal, so we had to take a tram back and go through security again just to eat, and then take the tram back and go through security again to get on the next plane, all while carrying our carry on bags in the humidity, while wearing our sweats and Uggs!
We finally made it though! And of course, our trip was too short. We got to spend time with Ian's dad and step mom and I got to meet his extended family for the first time. We enjoyed good food and a few drinks. I will post more pictures as soon as I sort through them all.