Monday, June 29, 2009

34 Weeks

So, it turns out I have gestational diabetes.

At first, I did kind of freak. I had read a lot about it and was very nervous that I would have to give myself insulin shots. The thought of that alone gave me anxiety.

I was scheduled to meet with an endocrinologist and a dietition. It went surprising well. The office was amazing. They were so prepared and organized. They went over my blood sugar levels and where they should be for my height and weight. They gave me a really nice (can't remember the name) thing you prick yourself with and test your blood and showed me how to use it. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought, although I still stall before pricking myself. I have to test my blood four times a day; right away in the morning, and then an hour after each meal. 

The dietition went over a personalized meal plan with me as well. She wants me eating basically, six times a day and I have certian things to eat in the morning and certian things to eat at night. The meal plans are not like I thought they would be either. I can still have bread and pretty much everything else, I just need to watch my portions and cut out as much sugar as possible. She actually has me eating a larger lunch and snacks then I normally would, but my dinner portions are a little smaller.

All in all, it isn't to bad, but it is a little time consuming trying to figure out the hours to eat, preparing the foods in portions, and then being sure to test my blood levels at the right times. Ian has been great too. He has been planning my meals and making my lunches the night before. I seriously don't know what I do without him! Hopefully, I will be able to keep this under control and everything will work out just fine.

I saw the doctor two weeks ago and I am only measuring one week bigger than I should, so not bad. She did inform me that I won't have an ultrasound until 37 weeks and if the baby is measuring too large at that time, I will be scheduled for an automatic c-section. I really don't want a c-section! For one, I am scared of the whole surgery and needle thing. Two, it is so much harder on your body and takes so much longer to recover and I am already taking a short maternity leave. I am just really nervous about it all.

Sawyer is now in the head down position and I am pretty sure he has dropped, at least some. I am having more growing pains in my lower belly and my pelvis hurts. I am also having a few braxton hicks contractions, but not much. Other than that, things are going pretty well for us. I am starting to slow down and am loosing my energy again, but I still feel like I have a ton left to do before he arrives. Although, I do have my hospital bag almost packed, and all the baby stuff is put away and his clothes are washed and put away already too, so I guess, I am not too bad.

We just finished our baby classes and learned lamaze and baby CPR. Ian surprisingly, liked it! He loved doing the lamaze which was funny. The safety information kind of freaked him out though, so now he is paranoid about everything. We realized that we love our hospital and we are excited to deliver at Hoag. Can't wait for him to come!

Either can Titus!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

30 Weeks

We are now at 30 weeks and have just about 10 more weeks until Sawyer arrives. We are getting very excited now and very ready for him to come. 

He is still very active and constantly kicking and twisting all over the place. He is very heavy on my bladder as well. I have to pee just about every time I stand up. I am getting pretty uncomfortable now. My hands and feet have swelled even more and my face seems to have doubled in size! My energy goes up in down. I have spurts of energy for nesting projects and then I crash and have no energy at all it seems.

I had to take the 3 hour glucose test last week, because I had abnormal results to the first test and I ended up throwing up, so they made me stop and start all over again. I went in again this week and did just fine and was able to get through it. They still had a hard time finding my veins, but luckily, they got what they needed and I was done. Ian was such a trooper sitting there with me the whole time!

We have almost everything we need for little Sawyer now, at least I think we do. His room is almost complete. We have lots of clothes to wash. We have car seats and pack and plays all set up. It could be any time now, so we are just trying to prepare our minds. We are just too excited to meet this alien!

My Baby Shower

On Sunday, I had my baby shower. It turned out really great. I couldn't have asked for more! It was a tea party theme with tea sandwiches and scones and lots of little desserts. Everything was so delicious! 

I scored big with the gifts! I think we got just about everything we needed and more. We are so thankful for this, because we really didn't have much of anything.

My guests were awesome and I am so thankful to those who came. I had a great time and I feel more ready and prepared to pop this little guy out now. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day so special!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3D Ultrasound Photos

On Saturday, we went and had a 3D ultrasound done to see our little man. Of course, he did not want to cooperate! He was folded in half with his feet in front of his face and we couldn't get him to budge at first. Luckily, he doesn't like it when I jab him and I was able to get him to move his feet out of the way.
This is his foot in his ear! That is his big toe right in the center of his ear and his face is looking away.

Here is part of his little face and those are his arms moving below him. The wiggly stuff on top are my organs.

Here is the best shot we got of his whole face. It looks like my chin already and perhaps Ian's nose! His nose looks a little large right now, so hopefully it isn't quite done yet. Although, the more I look at this, the more I love it!

Here his eye is actually open!

The ultrasound tech said that he is "thick" already! He is only 3o weeks and has 10 more to go, so I think he is going to be pretty big. Hopefully not too big though. We are getting so excited for him to come and although these pictures are nothing in comparison to how he will look, it makes me happy to be able to see him.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

26 Weeks

So, here is the 26 week photo update! Getting bigger for sure.

I am actually 28 weeks now though. I took my glucose tolerance test last week and it was horrible! I am deathly afraid of needles and of course, they couldn't find my veins, and poked me all over, before finally getting enough from my hand! I cried the whole time! Ian sat with me and was very supportive, thank goodness. Now I just look like a junkie with track marks up my arm!

So, after all that, it turns out that I had abnormal results to the test and now I have to go back in for the 3 hour test! I am not looking forward to this. Hopefully they can find my vein or do something to keep one open, so they don't have to keep poking and fishing around. Ugh! I can't even think about it anymore.

Other than that, Sawyer is just kicking like crazy. He pushes so hard and my stomach jiggles and pokes out all over. If I push in on my stomach in any one area, he taps back on that spot! I can't tell if he is playing or trying to tell me to stop. Luckily, I haven't noticed him moving during the night, so hopefully that means he is sleeping! Ha! Sleep has been horrible lately too. I wake up at least every hour and I just toss and turn and get up to pee! It is horrible. My energy is starting to fade again, so I am trying to get all projects done as soon as possible. Sawyer's room is coming along quite nicely. We have some pictures hung now and things on his bookcase, but it still feels a little empty. Hopefully, we will get lots of goodies at the shower next weekend to fill his room.