Sawyer came two weeks early! My doctor was going to schedule an induction for the following week, because of my gestational diabetes and I was measuring large. She even thought I might have to have a c-section. I had also been dilated 2cm and 70% effaced for about 2 weeks before.
My water broke at 5:30pm while I was getting ready to leave work on Wednesday, August 12th. It was a huge gush and I looked like I peed my pants! I drove home and we called the doctor, who told us to come in when we were ready. We straightened the house and got all our stuff ready. My Motsy met us at the house, since she was just leaving work. Ian had dinner already made and I knew I wouldn't be able to eat, so we ate dinner as well; yummy fajita tacos! We got to the hospital about 7:30pm and my mom met us there at the entrance. Since my water was still gushing, I decided to use a wheel chair, so that I was less embarrassed about leaking fluid all over.

My contractions weren't getting stronger, so they started pitocin at about 9pm. My contractions slowly got stronger after that. My Motsy sat and watched the monitor screen and would tell me when I was getting a contraction. Eventually, they were getting worse and I had to stop talking because they hurt and she would tell me I was having a contraction and I was like 'no crap'. I had to ask for something for the pain, but I wasn't ready for the epidural yet. They gave me something and it made my head completely loopy feeling. I didn't like it and it didn't last long, because they kept upping the pitocin every half hour, so my contractions just kept getting worse. I eventually got the epidural at about 1am and I was dilated 5 cm and 90% effaced. Luckily, I was in so much pain from the contractions, I didn't feel the epidural at all. I had two contractions back to back and I all I remember was staring at Ian's face as he held my hands and it was over in about 5 minutes.

During the night, the baby's heart rate dropped a few times, so I was given oxygen. They also put in internal heart monitor into hi scalp to monitor it better. I slept off and on the rest of the morning, being interrupted by the blood pressure machine and my nurse checking me every hour. My mom and Motsy tried to get some sleep in the waiting room and Ian slept on the couch in my room.
I was ready to start pushing around 6am, but shift change was at 7am and my nurse didn't want to start me, plus I would have had the on call doctor. So, we waited for my doctor to come on at 7am, however, everyone lagged a bit and I didn't start actually pushing until about 8am. I was so numb from the epidural, I couldn't feel anything! I couldn't hold my own legs, because they were just dead weight and felt like tree stumps! Ian held one leg and my mom held the other. At one point, Ian put my leg down and kind of pushed it a little and it just fell over like a falling tree and I couldn't move it without help! I just pushed like I had been taught and heard to do and it worked, obviously. They never had to turn my epidural off. It was relatively easy and I watched the morning news in between contractions.

I was ready to start pushing around 6am, but shift change was at 7am and my nurse didn't want to start me, plus I would have had the on call doctor. So, we waited for my doctor to come on at 7am, however, everyone lagged a bit and I didn't start actually pushing until about 8am. I was so numb from the epidural, I couldn't feel anything! I couldn't hold my own legs, because they were just dead weight and felt like tree stumps! Ian held one leg and my mom held the other. At one point, Ian put my leg down and kind of pushed it a little and it just fell over like a falling tree and I couldn't move it without help! I just pushed like I had been taught and heard to do and it worked, obviously. They never had to turn my epidural off. It was relatively easy and I watched the morning news in between contractions.
When the nurse called for my doctor, my doctor lagged getting in there and I sat with the baby crowned for about a half an hour! The nurse kept saying don't do anything; don't even sneeze! The doctor came in and took one look and said I need to be cut towards the front to avoid a tear into my urethra. I also got a cut towards the back. Half a push later and he was out! They plopped him on my belly and I started crying. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stared at him. Ian cut his cord, which took a couple of tries because it was slippery. My mom made a comment about how tiny he was and they took him to wipe him off and weigh him and all that. He only weighed 6 pounds 10.5 ounces! We couldn't believe how tiny he was after there was so much concern over him being large!

They gave him back to me and everyone left the room except Ian. He was laid naked on my bare skin and we tried breast feeding for the first time. He latched on right away. We spent about an hour just staring at our new baby in amazement! It was such an experience and thankfully not traumatic! We are so blessed and can't believe Sawyer is here!