I am 38 weeks now and for the past two weeks, I have been dilated 2cm and 70% effaced, but no signs of baby. We have been walking lots and I have been bouncing on the birthing ball, trying to get something started. The doctor said she didn't think I would make it to my due date, but since there is still no baby, she is going to schedule an induction for next week. I am hoping we can schedule it for Monday, so that I can clean the house and make sure everything is ready over the weekend.
I haven't been able to keep my blood sugar levels under control with my diet, so they put me on medicine to control it. I was very scared about taking the medicine, but at least it is not insulin! The doctor thinks that stress is causing my hormones to go crazy and therefore my levels are crazy too. Work has been extremely stressful lately, so it makes sense. My assistant at work, who was fully trained to help with my responsibilities while I am on maternity leave, up and quit without notice. So, now I have double the work and half the energy.
The baby gave us a scare a few weeks ago and we needed to go to the hospital to check on him. I was super busy at work all day and very stressed out, so I didn't notice until the end of my work day, that I hadn't felt the baby move all day. He is usually very very active, so I started to get worried. I drank some cold water and nothing. I drank some sugary lemonade and nothing. I ate dinner and nothing. So, we went down to labor and delivery and they hooked me up to monitors. Finally after about an hour and a half, he started moving! His heart rate was just fine the whole time, so they weren't that concerned. I took this as a sign to slow down!
We also started fetal monitoring at the hospital twice a week. This is pretty common for women who have gestational diabetes, I guess. So, every Monday and Thursday we go to the hospital and sit in a room hooked up to monitors. It's pretty nice, actually. You sit in a recliner and stare out the window at the ocean! They monitor the baby's heart rate and my contractions. If I am not having contractions, they stimulate them! I also get an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid levels. I have been a little low on fluid the past few times I have gone, but nothing dangerous. Last week, his heart rate dropped barely and my contractions wouldn't get close enough together to complete the test, so we had to sit there for about 4 hours! I was crying by the end, because I was so frustrated with everything that has been going on lately and I was worried about my baby, plus my hormones didn't help the situation. The baby is just fine though. I think the doctors freak you out sometimes, because you don't really understand what going on.
I am so ready to have this baby! I am getting pretty frustrated and very uncomfortable. I am super irritable and get upset if you just breathe wrong. I am not sleeping much at all, which is probably adding to my irritability. I am having contractions pretty much every day now and they are getting annoying. I have no energy, but am pushing myself to get things done. I actually can't wait to lay in a hospital bed!
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