This past week has been a very trying week. We struggled this week. I just lost all energy and couldn't figure out what to do. I think I just need to rest and take it one day at a time. No one said this would be easy.
Sawyer has been very fussy this week. He also isn't sleeping well. He won't go down for naps on his own and wakes up frequently. He will only sleep if I hold him and wakes up the second I put him down. It drives me crazy and I can't do anything else. I feel like all I do is feed him and hold him to sleep.
Here are some of those funny faces Sawyer makes!

Sawyer has eating down now! He is finally eating from both sides and chows down. He sucks so hard and you can hear him gulp it down and he wheezes and has to stop to catch his breath. You would think we were starving him, the way he eats. He also barely lets me change his diaper before he eats. As soon as we sit down, he is rooting all over the place for me!
We went back to the doctors again and he gained 10 ounces in a week! He now weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces. Yeah! Although, he hasn't pooped in about a week. Ian and I were getting nervous, because he was fussy this past week and I thought he might be constipated. The doctor said it is normal for breastfed babies to only go once a week, because they are using every nutrient of the milk and it takes that long to accumulate any waste from it. He said it would regulate in time. His poop smells like buttered popcorn too! Seriously, it does.
Sawyer has developed a bad case of baby acne this week too! Poor guy. Funny thing is, my face has broken out too. Someone told me that his acne is from the hormones in my milk. It makes sense. It drives me crazy not to pick it though and doesn't make for very cute photos!

We were busy visiting friends and family this week, as well. We went for a pre Labor Day BBQ at our friends, the Sukraw's house and brought Sawyer with us, of course. He was really good and slept most of the time. They just got a new puppy, named Rigby and she was so curious and cautious around the baby. She would run around wildly playing and then come up to the baby quietly and just smell him. Then she decided to lay down right next to him on the couch! It was super cute!
Then Sawyer went to his first birthday party for Wyatt's first birthday. He had a great time being passed around by all the moms and they all commented how tiny he is. His future wife was there too! My friend Charlotte has a little girl, named Peyton, who is about 6 months older than Sawyer and we are joking saying that she will be his wife. She is much bigger than him now, but he will catch up in no time!
We are going to start a schedule this coming week, or at least try to implement one. I think it will make things easier, so that I can know when he will eat and sleep, etc. We will see how it goes!