We started working on getting on a schedule this week. I realized that he was eating just about every 3 hours, so I decided to work our schedule around that. He isn't ready to wake up until about 9am, so I have been trying to get up around 7am to have some time to myself. At 8:30am he starts his slow wake up and at right about 9am I go upstairs to grab him whether he is fully awake or not. From there, he eats at all the hours of three, so 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm. Our routine has been a diaper change, a feed, and then play time for about at least 30 minutes, sometimes longer, and then a nap until the next feed time. It is working out pretty well so far.
Sawyer is changing so much; we can't believe it. He is starting to fill out a little and his face is getting more round. He has also lost some hair on the top front, but his sides and the back are still fuller. We joke that he has grandpa's hair! My dad just laughs!
He has also started talking a lot. Well, making lots of noise actually! He is a very noisy baby. He squeaks and coos and makes a noise that sounds like a horse. He also started grunting and growling! When we swaddle him up at night, he hates it and wiggles and grunts as he tries to get out until he falls asleep.
We also started a MOPS class this week. MOPS is basically a large group of women who have young children. It is held once a week at a church and there is a speaker for the first half and then discussion for the second half. Since it is held at a church, most of the speakers are faith based, as well as the discussions. You are put into groups, so that you get to know the women at your table really well and they have a mentor mom, or a mom with grown up children, at every table too. They are supposed to become support and help for each other. The first speaker was really motivational and the girls that sit at my table are wonderful. I am excited to see what I learn here.

We also had our first visit back to church since Sawyer was born and his first trip ever! It actually pretty nice. We sat outside, in case he cried or needed to be fed. He slept through most of the service, but that is just fine and how we wanted it, anyways.

We also bought Sawyer a play mat this week. It is a brightly colored mat with toys hanging on it. He seems to like it, so we can do tummy time on it and lay him on his back to look at the hanging toys. The toys are right in his reach, so as he swings his arms and legs, he actually hits them and the music goes off. He gets kind of startled and looks around with big wide eyes when he does that!
He can hold his head up pretty well and has been moving it to the sides to see what is around him. He is very curious and very alert. He stares at everything with those big eyes! He can follow our voices too. Ian will talk to him and Sawyer will turn his head over to look at him. He will also follow any toys that you move in front of him with his eyes. I just can't believe how big he is getting already and I am not prepared for it to fly by this year.
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