We have wanted him to smile for so long now! We could tell he wanted to smile, but it just wasn't there yet. He is finally starting too. He is just kind of smiling randomly right now though. I can't wait to play with him and have him smile and laugh.
He is having a hard time staying in his bed lately. This is mainly my fault though. He usually starts in his bassinet, but since I nurse him, I just throw him in bed with me during the night and he ends up staying most night, because we both fall asleep. Now, he fusses when he is placed in his bassinet and as soon as I put him in bed with me, he is instantly asleep. I don't want him in our bed, but at the same time, he is so darn cute to say no to.
Sawyer loves his baths now! He splashes and kicks his legs and doesn't fuss at all. If he could fully smile, he would the whole time he is in the bath. He does fuss when he gets out though, because he is cold.

Sawyer thinks he is so big and just wants to see everything. He doesn't like to be in the craddle position at all. I usually carry him around facing outward, so that he can see things. He also does really well sitting up against the couch or a pillow and loves to be like that rather than laying down. I think I can probably put him in the Bumbo seat soon, since he holds his head really well. He can also lift his head completely and turn it side to side while doing tummy time, but can't hold it very long yet.
I am just amazed by this little guy every day and can't imagine my life without him now. I don't know how I am going to return to work! He is so perfect in my eyes and has such a hold on me already. I can't wait to watch him grow, although, I really don't want him to.
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