Sawyer has grown so much this past month! It seems like over night he became a completely different baby. All of a sudden he got so chubby and I just want to eat all his rolls! He weighs about 13 and half pounds now and is about 24 inches long. He can barely fit into any of his 0-3 months clothes and fits almost all of his 3-6 months clothes perfectly. I think he will be 6-9 months in the next month or so! I can't believe how big our little moose has gotten and how fast!
I returned to work this past month and it was harder than I thought it would be. The night before I had anxiety about leaving him and I cried. Ian assured me Sawyer would be just fine, but it didn't help. I hardly slept, but in the morning I was much better. I woke up early and pumped while drinking coffee and watching the news and then I hurried to get ready. He slept the whole time and my mom got there before he woke up, so it was easier to leave him while he was asleep. I did pretty good during the day and only freaked out once, when my mom's cell phone died, so I couldn't reach her anymore! Ian texted me and let me know everything when he got home though. Ian also sent me a movie he recorded showing me the baby and he said, "See Mom! I'm OK. I'm still cute!" I loved it!
So, Ian has the baby on Mondays and Tuesdays and my mom watches him on Wednesdays for now. Ian has been great with him! I think he is really loving the time he gets to spend with Sawyer alone and that he gets to feed him. For awhile there, Sawyer only wanted me and I was the only person feeding him and Ian wanted to help so bad. Now he gets to and now that Sawyer is playing more, it is making it more fun for him. I get to work from home on Thursdays and Fridays, which I am so thankful for! The days that I work in the office are hard. Luckily, I am busy at work, so I barely have time to think about missing him, but I am bummed when I get home and he is sleeping and I only get to see him for about an hour and half when he wakes up to eat and play and then goes back down for the night. With the time change, it bumped his schedule about one hour earlier, so he is getting up at 8am now, instead of 9am. This means, I have to be ready to go by 8am, so that I can feed him at 8am and leave the house when he is done at about 8:45am. So, far, I have been able to do it and I actually enjoy feeding him and seeing him before I leave for work. It is harder to get out the door now though, because I have to leave him when he is his happiest and smiling and talking. I don't want to miss any of it and I hate having to rush off, but at least I get to see him a little longer on my office days now.
Sawyer is blowing bubbles like crazy! This produces a lot of drool! He shirts are covered in drool almost all the time. He also loves his little tongue and sticks it out often. He will also copy you if you stick your tongue out or wiggle it around. It is pretty impressive, I might say. He also has found his hands this past month and sucks on them every chance he gets. He also has a fasicnation with his thumb. He hasn't quite figured out what to do with the rest of his hand though, so he hasn't mastered sucking his thumb just yet. We don't really want him to suck his thumb, because I was a thumb sucker and you can't take it away, like you can a binki. But, at the same time, you never loose a thumb and he can put it in his mouth by himself. He is spitting out his binki in favor of his hands, so I don't think we really have a choice. I tried a new binki on him the other day, the normal ones with the ball type thing at the end, and he made the most disgusted face and spit it out instantly! It was so funny! Now I stick it in just to see him make that face!
He is finally smiling for real! It absolutely melts my hearts to see him smile. Last month he would smile, but it was random and usually at stationary things, such as the lamp. Well, one morning I put him on his changing table, which is almost under the ceiling fan in the dining room, and he just started smiling and cooing away while watching the fan spin around at a low speed! From then on, he would stare at that fan and wiggle with excitement everytime we changed him. We thought this was just the best thing ever. Then he started smiling at us while we played with him! And now, he smiles, laughs, and talks to us! He is hilarious! And he gets so excited, I want nothing more than to see him that happy!
Sawyer has started playing with me during his feedings. First, he will look up at me and raise his eye brows. If I respond to him, he starts smiling and laughing. Soon enough, he won't eat anymore and just talks and talks and smiles and watches me. I was worried he wasn't eating enough, but he is obviously happy and just wants to play, so I let him. Ian told me not to talk to him one time, so I put my hand up to cover his view of me. He ended up moving his head to look around my hand at me and then cracked up! This little guy is going to be a handful!
Sawyer is holding his head up very well these days. He barely bobs at all anymore. When on his tummy, he fully lifts his head all the way up and has even started pushing up with his arms. He still loves to wiggle, but now has the strength to make himself move. If he can push his feet against the couch cushion or something, he can twist himself in a circle. He has rolled over a few times now, but that's it. He basically got himself onto his side from his belly and then rolled to his back a few seconds later. He also tends to shimmy himself closer to me if I let him sleep in our bed and I push him far away from me. I don't know how he does it, but I swear he does!
Speaking of sleeping, he is sleeping in our bed almost all the time now. He will start in his bassinet, but is always in our bed when we wake up. Its just easier and I don't loose any sleep. Besides, I actually enjoy it! I love feeling him breathe and his little belly push against mine with each breath! And he puts his knee up on my side or my belly and snuggles me. Sometimes his hand grabs my necklace or just rests on my chest and I just can't resist looking at that pudgy face while he is sleeping!
I know every parent thinks their child is just the cutest thing ever, and I am no different, because I just can't get enough of him! Despite crying or fussiness, every smile makes it worth it. I love just staring at his face! I love every little piece of him and I want him to stay this way forever and not grow anymore!
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