Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blogger Issues

I am having an issue when I upload photos onto blogger. It seems to make the pictures look dull or something. It is driving me crazy! It also takes a long time to upload and sometimes I have to resize the image, just to get it to load! So, I apologize that you aren't getting to view some of these pictures at their full potential, until I can figure something else out. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks!

Friday, February 27, 2009

We're Moving!

Ian and I were hoping to buy a house this year and had started the searching process and everything right before we found out we were pregnant. We decided that the house hunting and buying would have to wait while we baked our little bun. So, that has been put on hold and hopefully in a year or so, we can start to look again.

With our little one coming, we decided we need more space! We are already growing out of our one bedroom apartment with just us, so there is no way a baby would fit! So, this weekend, we are starting to move!

It is a little bitter sweet though. It is sad because this is the first place Ian and I have shared and in the past two years here, we have made it our home together. It is so exciting though, because we really do hate this place! We hate our neighbors, our view, and a handful of other things about the place. We are really excited to move.

Our new place is in the same area of town; across the main street, actually! It is a cute, but older two story townhome. It has air, a fireplace, and a washer and dryer! Everything we were looking for and it fits in our budget! We are hoping and praying that the neighbors are cool and that there are no problems. 

Below are some pictures of our current apartment from when we first moved in. A lot has changed since then though, like we upgraded our tv and entertainment center. And redecorated in areas. It takes awhile to complete a house when you start with nothing! I remember hoping that we could move in and fully decorate right away. Well, that takes money, so a lot of things had to wait or be added slowly. And now we are moving to a new place that needs lots of new things for those new areas!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Soon to be Halls

My very first engagement photo shoot! I haven't decided how I did yet. I have so many more photos to go through, but I will post more soon. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Big Bear

I forgot to post these pictures awhile ago. Ian and I went to Big Bear at the end of December with our friends, Chris and Jocelyn. It was right after the first big storm that dumped a ton of snow. We thought it would be a great idea to go. Little did we know that everyone else had the same idea too! It took us forever to get up the mountain. By the time we actually went sledding, it was getting dark, although it was not as dark as the pictures make it seem. We had a fun time, despite the travel troubles!